sell website making service

Life Lessons

some realization and lessons from life of my journey from some failures and success, being a science student:

.when you plan to start a business, make sure you know how to sell
.building trust is one of the strongest marketing branches
.marketing is everything (organic, paid)
.influencing or motivating someone to do you a favor, help or work for you or to listen to you is the biggest power in the world, that is why i think shaitan(azazil) asked for influencing power from Allah.

.if you see mark zuckerberg and get excited about making another facebook type thing, there is a 0.000001% chance that you will be
successful like zuckerberg, zuckerberg was extremely lucky to discover a thing that exploded with users/customers and he was lucky enough
to hire and take the right decisions and make what facebook is now.
.it is very unlikely that your idea will explode so you need to drive the ship and be the best captain possible
to maneuver your business and always keep it in the right direction for success.
.be ready to work more than 12+ hours per day
.be ready to accept failures
.be ready to be heartbroken daily
.be ready to learn every day
.sometimes be ready to lose all and start all over again


1) your idea/product/service needs to be explosive so that it draws customers on its own with minimal word of mouth.
2) if your product/service is generic and common, you need to have the courage and skills, team, right people to make it a success over time.

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