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Points To Note While Designing WordPress Site For Your Mobile Users

One Page Responsive WordPress theme
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According to the recent survey, it has been noticed, that most often everyone around the globe, tend to go online on various different mobile devices. So, if you are planning to build your website with WordPress, it is important that you go with the best multi-page or one-page Responsive WordPress theme as per your requirement. As the mobile devices may vary in size, therefore, it becomes vital to select the responsive and device-agnostic theme, when it comes to designing the website.

In this post, along with explaining what is responsive website, we will also enlighten you with the basic points that you will have to keep in mind while developing and designing your device friendly website. The topics, that we will put under microscope in this article are:

What does responsive means?
WordPress and responsive theming
Selecting the best responsive WordPress theme

# What is the Responsive Design?

Before getting on with the article, you should be aware about what exactly are we talking about. Basically, with responsive design, what we mean is the layout that is capable of adjusting itself according to the device size it is viewed on. This layout manipulation is carried out using CSS and basically involves 2 elements first being the flexible dimensions and second adding the media query.

1. Use of the flexible widths of all the elements on the page. For instance, instead of giving the width of 1200px, go with the width at 96% so that it gives the layout sufficient width band to adjust as per the size of the device.

Note: There are many responsive web page templates that you can choose from.

2. Adding the media query to your style sheet with the motive of changing the CSS according to the screen widths. For an instance, if you have the sidebar in your website layout, you can add the query to adjust its location as per the size of the screen it is viewed on.

With this, we believe that now the basic concept behind the responsive layouts is clear up in your head. Moving forward, in the next section of “Wordpress and Responsive theming”, you will get a clear idea on the responsive themes that are available in the WordPress.

# WordPress and Responsive Theming

Starting with explaining, what responsive theme is, we will move forward with the tips you can use to select the best responsive web page template and theme in WordPress.

A Responsive theme is one theme that contains the above mentioned two aspects of RWD that are fluid widths and media queries. Most often the terms responsive themes and mobile themes are confused to be same, but in case of mobile themes the factor of fluid widths is not included. Unlike responsive themes, mobile themes have a disadvantage, as it will only change the layout as per the screen widths.

As the variety of devices is continuously growing, it is becoming more and more vital to go with the responsive themes rather than the mobile themes. With responsive, we can also get assured that the site will be compatible with any newly developed mobile device.

So, if you are planning on designing multi-page of one page site, it is always smart to go for the best one-page responsive WordPress theme or multi-page responsive theme, that one can easily find at WordPress. Now, with the vast variety of options among the themes, it becomes very confusing to select the one best responsive web-page template out of them, so in the next section you will find the ways in which you can select the good responsive theme for your site.

# Selecting the best Responsive theme:

There are many varieties of responsive themes that one can find in the WordPress. Where, some themes are incorporated with the small number of breakpoints of the media queries for some basic screen widths, there you will also find more flexible responsive themes in the WordPress, to select from. Before you finalize the theme, make sure that you test the theme on multiple mobile devices before starting.

For this, open your theme in the browser and activate and resize it in the browser window manually to check whether the layout is adjusting itself according to the size of the screen or not.

Below are some criteria that differentiate a bad or good responsive web page template:

A good responsive theme will resize the site as per the screen width, it is viewed on. This is done using flexible, percentage based widths.
A good responsive behavior will make nothing disappear or hide anything when layout changes.
Breakpoints are set at the point where the design goes out of the widths of the screen.
A good responsive site will apply to all types of content in the site and not just on the pages, posts or archives.
When it comes to good responsive behavior, a site when viewed on small screens must style the layout in the way, it makes the navigation easy for the viewers.
Make sure that a responsive site will make it easy for the user to read all types of content no matter the size of the device.
Widgets are usually included in the media files so that they could be adjusted with the layout as per the size of the device, it is viewed on.

These are some criteria that differentiate a good or the bad responsive WordPress theme. So, when it comes to selecting a responsive theme for your site, make sure you test the theme for all the above mentions criteria. With Theme Roaster, you can find the best collection of responsive theme, that are screened and selected by the professional designers and developers after carrying out a number of tests. So, if you are looking for the best and tested responsive theme, we here make it easy for you.

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